Meet Miss Nebraska’s Teen

Janae Harris was crowned Miss Nebraska’s Teen 2024 on June 8th, 2024, during the annual scholarship competition in North Platte. 



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Miss Nebraska’s Teen

Janae Harris was crowned Miss Nebraska’s Teen 20234 on June 8, 2024, during the annual scholarship competition in North Platte. 



Are you the next Miss Nebraska’s Teen?

Miss Nebraska’s Teen not only receives scholarship money and prizes, but a unique, once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to showcase her opinions, talents and intelligence, and to serve her state as a representative.


Local Titleholders

Anna Meier
Miss Scotts Bluff County’s Teen

Ella-Kathryn Anderson
Miss Omaha’s Teen

Gabriella Swift
Miss Douglas County’s Teen

Addison Peck
Miss Alliance’s Teen

Addi Carter
Miss Panhandle’s Teen

Kenedi Schroeder
Miss Tri-Cities Teen

Emma Claire Fritz
Miss Fremont’s Teen

Leilani Catlett
Miss Phelps County’s Teen

Cora Frans
Miss Midwest’s Teen

Paige Dodson
Miss Chadron’s Teen

Aspen LaVante
Miss Platte River’s Teen

Kaitlyn Shannon
Miss Northwest’s Teen

Participating in Miss Nebraska’s Teen

Courtney Long & Audri Pelton-Johnson, Co-Directors
(308) 660-1005

 The Miss Nebraska’s Teen Competition is the state final for the Miss America’s Teen Competition, held during the Miss America Competition. This branch of the Miss America Organization was first introduced in 2006. Candidates may compete as “At-Large Contestants,” not sponsored by a local event, or may be the winner of a local Miss Teen competition. All of them share the same general eligibility requirements.

Participants must be:

  • Resident of Nebraska for the last six months;

  • At least 13 years of age on the first day of the State Competition in which she competes;

  • Must not be more than 18 years old at the state competition. 18 year old contestants can decide whether they would like to compete in the Teen or Miss divisions. Once decided on the division, she may not change divisions until the next cycle.

The entry fee for the state competition is $350 for local winners and $550 for At-Large Contestants. In many cases, local committees will assist with payment of the state entry fee. Check with local directors for local competition entry fees. Academic scholarships are also awarded at the local and state levels.


See the Miss Nebraska local competition page for the most up-to-date information regarding local competitions and contact information.


We believe every young woman who has the desire to compete for Miss Nebraska’s Teen should have that opportunity. Anyone can compete as an At-Large Contestant as long as eligibility criteria and paperwork requirements are met. You will be required to pay an entry fee of $550 which will include your sash and crown.

Upon committing to compete At-Large you will be given a title to compete as (ex: Miss _____’s Teen), and from that point you will only be recognized as your assigned title, just like the other contestants.

Competing At-Large is a great opportunity for any young woman to compete for the title of Miss Nebraska’s Teen. For more information, please contact the state directors.


Delegates in the Nebraska’s Teen Competition are evaluated in the following areas:

  • Private Interview (30% of total score) – The Private Interview phase of competition is an opportunity for the judges to learn as much as possible about the contestant – her personal qualities and attributes to be Miss Local’s Teen; her level of communication skills; her opinions and aspirations; her sense of accomplishment, poise, and presence as well as her ability to fulfill the responsibilities of the position judges have been requested to fill. At the local level, individual interviews with the judges are 6 minutes long. At the state and national levels they are 8 minutes long. There are typically 5-7 judges on the panel, and the interview is press-style, with the contestant standing at a podium. Contestants are questioned on their background as presented on their fact sheets, their educational and career goals, their interests, hobbies and extracurricular activities, or any major current events that relate to their specific platform or career interest. Scoring is based on overall “first impression”; communication skills including speech, vocabulary, and grammar; a confident and charismatic personality; ability to express and distinguish her beliefs; attractive and stylish in an age-appropriate manner; leadership and sense of accomplishment; and knowledge and understanding of her platform issue.

  • Lifestyle and Fitness (20% of total score) – Each contestant briefly appears on-stage (up to 30 seconds) modeling sportswear of her, or the pageant committees’, choosing that represents something she does to stay fit. The Executive Director of the competition must approve workout attire prior to the competition. Workout attire must be age-appropriate, and typical of what a teenager would wear to workout at the gym. An example of workout attire includes sweats, leggings, or shorts with a tank top or half top and tennis shoes. Swimsuits and clothing specifically for dance, such as a leotard are not permitted. Scoring is based on overall first impression, statement of strong physical fitness and health, sense of attractiveness and presence, display of energy, charisma and expression, sense of confidence and composure. The fitness of the teen, by the shape of her body, is not being judged. Instead, her level of pursuit and dedication to maintaining a healthy lifestyle is being evaluated.

  • Talent (20% of total score) – Contestants perform a 90-second routine of their own choosing. Some possible talents include all types of singing, dancing, gymnastics, instrumental music, dramatic or comedy monologues, baton twirling and ventriloquism. Other talents that can be performed solo on a stage are also possible. Phone or e-mail us if you have a question about your talent presentation. Scoring is based on contestant’s skill and personality, interpretive ability, technical skill level, stage presence and totality of all elements, including costume, props, voice, use of body and choreography.

  • Personal Appearance/Poise in Evening Wear (20% of total score) – Each contestant appears on-stage in an outfit of her own choosing, representative of what she would wear to a prom or other formal event. Although contestants typically wear ball or evening gowns, pantsuits, tea-length dresses and cocktail dresses are all appropriate for this phase of competition. Scoring is based on overall first impression, sense of confidence, personality and stage presence, walk, posture, carriage and grace, appropriateness of attire and sense of style, sense of attractiveness, beauty and charm.

  • On Stage Question - 10% of total score

Forever Miss Nebraska’s Teen

  • 2024 - Janae Harris, Omaha

  • 2023 - Boston Pettera, North Platte

  • 2022 - Alexandra Thompson, North Platte

  • 2021 — Jamie Rose Chen

  • 2019/20 — Phoenix Stanford

  • 2018 – Kelsie Therkildsen

  • 2017 – Carsyn Long, Gering

  • 2016 – Hannah Miller, Omaha

  • 2015 – Steffany Lien, Lincoln

  • 2014 – Morgan Holen, Omaha

  • 2013 – Samantha Washington, Lincoln

  • 2012 – Lianna Prill, Holdrege

  • 2011 – Brooke Ludemann, North Platte

  • 2010 – Staci Craighead, Omaha

  • 2009 – JaCee Pilkington, Minatare

  • 2008 – Rachel Foehlinger, Ralston

  • 2007 – Kayla Batt, Alliance

  • 2006 – Sharla Schreiber, Columbus

  • 2005 – Jessica States, North Platte